
Vertical M2M introduces its Smart Ports IoT solutions suite at Sustanaible Ports Day organized by the PEXE and ADEME, the french energy transition agency

Vertical M2M introduces its Smart Ports IoT solutions suite at Sustanaible Ports Day organized by the PEXE and ADEME, the french energy transition agency

Todays's port are challenged by various threats including spatial constraints, productivity improvement, fiscality, safety and security risks as well as sustainability.

To address those challenges, IoT is a key technology. Real time data is the main driver to take better decisions and optimize processes with the same spatial needs and resources. Implementing those technologies and connecting them to ports systems is the challenge to overcome.

In order to bring value to ports, Vertical M2M has developed its IoT Harbour Solutions and introduced them at the "Ecotech Innovative solutions on Smart Port " organized by the PEXE backed the ADEME (Agence de l'Environnemenet de la Maîtrise de l'Energie - Agency for Environnement and Energy Control). Thanks to the organizers !

Discover in the following presentation our Smart Port solutions:

Visit the page of the event


To go further explore

  • YANG Y., ZHONG M., YAO H. YU F., Internet of things for smart ports: Technologies and challenges, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, 21(1):34-43. Link to the document.

December 14th, 2020

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