
This end-to-end IoT Solution enables a workspace solution by monitoring, measuring, recording, and alerting on real-time control systems readings, allowing you to act quickly to save operational costs and protect your clients and consumers and improve wellbeing and efficiency of occupants. It can be used for any indoor space: offices, meeting rooms, shops, industrial facilities, public buildings, classrooms, and much more.

Rather than cleaning a room each hour duly, act on real-time usage data and pre-set thresholds. The application dashboard enables a cockpit navigation panel to navigate within a Facility Management dashboard - between workspace occupancy,environmental monitoring and proof of cleaning.

The solution relies on the following IoT ecosystem:

  • SKIPLY, an IoT manufacturer providing of smart buttons
  • ELSYS, an IoT manufacturer providing ambient sensor information (temperature, humidity, light…)
  • PARAMETRIC, an IoT manufacturer providing counting systems
  • ACTILITY, providing LoRAWAN connectivity through ThingPark Enterprise
  • And VERTICAL M2M, provider of CommonSense IoT Platform® as the integration and enablement application platform.

And is now available on the ThingPark Market.

Download the leaflet here: Link to leaflet

#iot #lorawan #ecosystem #commonsenseiotplatform #smartbuilding #workspacemanagement

July 8th, 2021

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